Delivering a Baby in a Pandemic

The COVID virus has affected many aspects of our lives over the past few years. One topic that I really want to dive in is the impact that separation of mother and baby at birth has on breastfeeding outcomes in the future. It can be frightening to deliver a baby knowing that you have a current COVID infection, especially because there is very little information about the impact that the virus has on newborns. In this article, we dive into consequences of maternal-newborn separation when mom is COVID positive.

Current Hospital Practices

As a nurse, I remember how it was in the maternity department of the hospital when COVID first started. Everyone was afraid and we did not know the impact the virus had on newborns. As a result, mothers who were COVID+ were placed in isolation. The baby was separated and placed in isolation as well. Thankfully, as we knew more about the virus now mothers and babies are starting to room in again!

However, I was researching the effect that separation had on those who were separated or for those who will be for hospitals who have not changed their policy yet. As a mother myself, watching so many mothers being separated from their newborns was just heartbreaking.

The Impact of Separation

Not only were mothers reporting drastically high rates of stress and anxiety (up to even 78%), but breastfeeding rates were impacted severely. A study by Mount Auburn Hospital states that even after discharge, 1/3 of mothers who tried to initiate breastfeed were unable to. This is very disappointing, considering breast milk can protect against many respiratory infections. In fact, several studies even show that there are antibodies in human milk that target the virus.

Impact Moving Forward

What does this mean for new moms? Please stay educated! Although you might have the virus, the benefits of rooming in and breastfeeding drastically outweigh the risk of separation (with certain precautions)

Please make sure to:
– avoid contact if symptomatic
– wash your hands frequently
– consult with your pediatrician for special circumstances

*Disclaimer: this post contains current research but should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your Pediatrician and/or OB for additional information.


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

Postpartum Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Description: Receiving the little bundle of joy with arms folded and a troubled heart is probably the worst-case scenario for any mother. This is just the tip of the postpartum depression causes iceberg. There’s more…

Wonder why you’re so sad when you should be most elated?

As the world struggles to pick up its dregs from the fallen state of the Pandemic, there’s a little monster passing on unnoticed to our detriment. Postpartum depression is now a menace that’s affecting many worldwide. The current state of affairs with the financial system, health sector, and even the growing food scarcity only comes into the picture to compound issues.

But what exactly is postpartum depression? Is it as serious as it sounds? What does postpartum depression diagnosis look like? Who is likely to be affected by it? Are there any treatments or remedies out there to address this? The article seeks to provide insights on postpartum depression causes, diagnosis, who postpartum depression affects, symptoms, and possible remedies.

A Deeper Understanding of Postpartum Depression Causes

A ‘woman’ is a peculiar organism created in a manner that leaves the scientific brains in awe and respect. The hormonal processes in females tend to be more rampant, random, and unique as compared to men. Women’s bodies have to undergo specific changes as the being matures from childhood into a young adult. The commonly recognized term here is puberty.

The changes come to prepare the body for the enormous task ahead – hosting another lifeform when the right time comes. The changes do not stop after the baby is birthed! If anything, the body reacts sporadically in reaction to the massive event, namely birth. At times, it can appear overwhelming, especially to new mothers, but guess what? The Creator put in place suitable mechanisms to aid womanhood during such events. We’ll check out all these as we continue.

What Exactly is Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression causes both men and women alike to go through similar symptoms.

Giving birth is a big deal, and understandably so. In ancient times, communities would mark the delivery of a youngling with celebrations because of the continuity of life. There is a kind of excitement that comes afterward that may have a negative vibe associated with it.

Sounds weird, right? What do we mean by negative excitement?

Well, it’s called “Baby Blues,” and it lasts for about a week or two after delivery. Baby blues syndrome has the characteristics of depression but in its mild form. One can experience irritability, sadness, appetite challenges, sleeping difficulties, crying, anxiety, and mood swings that are short-lived.

However, these don’t even come close to postpartum depression symptoms.

Postpartum depression causes the individual to experience the following symptoms;

  • Your moods change without prior warning.
  • Your relationship with food takes another turn – either you overdo it or lack an appetite for food.
  • You start experiencing aches, illnesses, and pains that can’t be explained.
  • You sleep too much, or you are too exhausted and cannot find sleep.
  • Your concentration levels deteriorate, making you incapable of making small decisions.
  • You lose interest in all things, even your likes, and hobbies.
  • You feel intense sadness that makes you cry a lot, but you cannot explain it.
  • You feel a lack of worth and guilty for every wrong deed.
  • Decreased libido, which has a negative outcome on your confidence levels.
  • You feel distanced from your newborn and unable to bond, and that drives you crazy.
  • You want freedom and an easy escape route.
  • You may even contemplate suicide or harming the child.
  • You feel cornered with the assumption that opening up to someone will make them view you as a bad mother.
  • You feel completely out of control.

Research now shows that an average of 15% of women undergoes postpartum depression. This is a gross underestimation as the numbers vary depending on the state, the living conditions, race/ethnicity, and age, among other factors.

Moreover, a few conditions may escalate the risk factors leading to worse-off postpartum depression symptoms, otherwise called postpartum psychosis. This aggravated level may lead to auditory hallucinations and delusions. It happens to be a rarer condition but possible with risk factors such as;

The patient has a history of depression.

You have bipolar disorders or other mental challenges.

You are experiencing difficulty breastfeeding.

There are financial woes in the family.

You lack social and emotional support from family and friends.

The pregnancy was unwanted or unplanned.

Your baby is born with special conditions or other issues.

Postpartum Depression Causes

The causes can be categorized into physical and emotional factors.

Physical include:

  • Improper diet
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  •  Sleep deprivation
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Having a low thyroid hormonal level.

Emotional include devastating events such as loss, lack of support, financial burden, low self-esteem, social isolation, divorce, and the likes.

It should be noted that some fathers also undergo postpartum depression with similar symptoms to moms. With all that in mind, it’s about time to now deal with the vermin.

A Look At Postpartum Depression Diagnosis and the Best Treatment Strategies

Now that we have seen how postpartum depression affects the mother and father, the question becomes, are these effects also felt by the baby?

Of course!

Children feel the vibe and energy around them pretty early – in fact, as early as in the womb. Negative and depressing energy will likely reflect in how they develop. They will likely experience abnormal delays in language development, excessive crying and a sense of neediness, fear expressing themselves, feeling unwanted or unloved, emotional, psychological, behavioral problems, and even problems with food and sleep.

Do not underestimate the overreaching effects of postpartum depression on the entire family and society.

If that’s how postpartum depression affects the baby, we definitely want to establish normalcy at home and a healthy, productive, and loving environment for everyone. Here are a few tips:

  • If you experience any of the above postpartum depression symptoms, answer a PRAMS questionnaire and seek medical assistance immediately.
  • If absolutely necessary, combine psychotherapy with the proper medication. Natural supplements such as omega-3 supplements may also be of help.
  • Acknowledge, open up, and own what you feel like part of the healing process. It’s okay not to feel okay.
  • Get any assistance from family, friends, and loved ones willing to listen.
  •  Alternative therapies include massage, acupuncture, and bright light therapy.
  •  Switch to wholesome diets and regular exercising as soon as you are capable.
  • Get help with the house chores and instead rest some more.
  •  Avoid any stressors such as relocating or job switches immediately after the pregnancy.
  • Sync your sleep patterns with your baby’s.
  • In addition to a healthy physical and emotional life, ensure your spiritual well-being is catered for also.
  • Get help taking care of the baby until the both of you can bond – you will with time.
  • Engage in self-care activities, and make sure to cut yourself some slack.


Sinking alone with no one to pick you up can be pretty devastating – feel free to reach out.

It’s hard to tell when can postpartum depression begin in individual parents due to some of the factors listed above. It may start immediately after birth, while in others, it may become evident months later. Postpartum depression treatment begins with identifying there is a problem and being open to seeking help. The drawbacks of who postpartum depression affects are manifold and maybe felt years down the line and even passed on to the next generation. We all need to unite and put in the best efforts to ensure our future generations live in a depressed-free environment with unity, love, and hope. Now that’s a future we all can unite to build.

Author’s Bio: Rachel Hudson is a journalist and a therapist living in California and covering all the topics related to children. She is mainly writing about kids’ physical health. However, since she has a Ph.D. in Child’s Behavioral Psychology, she often covers topics related to their mental health. More than that, she is a mother with her personal experience and thrives in sharing her ventures and tips to moms on the Top Mom website.

4 Important Qualities of a Prenatal Vitamin

Prenatal vitamins are an essential element of a healthy pregnancy. Choosing a quality prenatal vitamin can help support the development of the placenta, the transfer of oxygen to the baby, and even help prevent long-term birth defects. However, contrary to popular belief, not all prenatal vitamins are created equal. It is important to research which vitamins to use and which have the most benefits for you and your baby. In this article, we will discuss 4 important qualities of a prenatal vitamin.

This article was sponsored by Pure Synergy, which specializes in organic and gentle superfoods and vitamins. You can claim 10% off their amazing products with coupon code “LOVERACHEL10”.

The Best Vitamins Contain Iron and Folate

One of the most important qualities of a prenatal vitamin is that it contains iron and folate. Folate helps to prevent neural tube defects and should be taken even before you get pregnant. Ideally, prenatal vitamins should be taken before conception even occurs. This is because there are so many rapid divisions in the first trimester of pregnancy and you want to make sure that you and your baby have full nutritional benefits.

Iron supports the development of the placenta and the fetus. Many women experience iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. However, oxygen demand increases as mama and baby get closer to delivery and iron is what carries oxygen. Having a prenatal vitamin with a gentle and absorbable form of iron will help to keep baby oxygenated during pregnancy.

The “Purenatal” Prenatal Vitamins offered by Pure Synergy feature a gentle form of iron that allows for optimal absorption while limiting upset stomach, nausea, and constipation. Claim 10% off with coupon code “LOVERACHEL10”

The Best Prenatal Vitamins are Bioavailable

Bioavailability is the ability of a substance to be absorbed into the bloodstream. There is no use taking any medication or vitamin that is not readily bioavailable by your digestive system. Bioavailability is an one of the most important qualities of a prenatal vitamin, even though it is also one of the most overlooked.

This is the reason why not all prenatal vitamins are considered equal. Two vitamins might have similar ingredients, but take a look at their bioavailability. Vitamins with enzymes, probiotics, and gentle formulas tend to be the most effective. In fact, having a vitamin with a probiotic is a wonderful way to boost not only bioavailability, but also the gut microbiome.

A healthy gut during pregnancy can lead to significantly better outcomes for mom and baby. A healthy gut microbiome can decrease risk of pre-eclampsia, promote healthy weight gain, and even regulate hormone imbalances. For a newborn, healthy gut flora can support a strong immune system, boost metabolism, and even help regulate sugar levels after delivery.

The “Purenatal” Prenatal Vitamins offered by Pure Synergy are cultured in an organic fermented matrix of soy, oranges, carrots, enzymes, and good bacteria. They are the perfect probiotic and prenatal vitamin in one! You can claim 10% off with coupon code “LOVERACHEL10”.

The Best Prenatal Vitamins are Comprehensive

You want a gentle formula that provides a comprehensive balance of nourishment and support. Optimally, you want a vitamin that has sufficient benefits to last you through conception to postpartum. Vitamins can have amazing benefits for mom and baby while breastfeeding, so having a vitamin that supports you as you nurse is wonderful.

In addition to including the usual vitamins (D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12m, and much more) the “Purenatal” Prenatal Vitamins offered by Pure Synergy also have a natural blend of herbal support. Their organic sprout & berry blends, plus red raspberry extract gives you even extra pregnancy support.

They also have a formula that lasts from pre-conception all the way to postpartum and breastfeeding. You can also claim 10% off with coupon code “LOVERACHEL10”. Below are some of the nutritional facts of their amazing vitamins.


The Best Prenatal Vitamins Contain Antioxidants

Antioxidants help to rid the body of free radicals that build up and cause chronic complications. The addition of antioxidants is one of the most important qualities of a prenatal vitamin. These not only benefit mom during pregnancy, but also her unborn child.

Some important antioxidants during pregnancy include:

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
  • selenium
  • flavonoids

The “Purenatal” Prenatal Vitamins offered by Pure Synergy not only have the folate and iron requirements, but also contain a wide range of antioxidants to support you during pregnancy. You can claim 10% off with coupon code “LOVERACHEL10”.

Summary of Qualities

As a summary, the best prenatal vitamins:

  1. Contain iron and folate
  2. Are bioavailable
  3. Are comprehensive
  4. Contain antioxidants

I love The “Purenatal” Prenatal Vitamins offered by Pure Synergy because they fulfill all of those qualities and more. You can claim 10% off with coupon code “LOVERACHEL10”. Choosing to invest in your prenatal vitamins will make all the difference in the world for you and your growing baby.


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

Essential Oils During Pregnancy: The Natural Option

Essential oils have powerful benefits that can be used as a natural option for supporting our bodies through every phase of our lives, including pregnancy.  They can be used for a variety of ailments, including labor pains, anxiety, lack of focus, and even postpartum depression. In this article, we will be discussing ways you can use essential oils during pregnancy to help support the health of you and your baby.

This article was written in partnership with Genvieve Schmidt, who is a Health and Wellness Coach with dōTERRA Essential oils

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any equivalent. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*

The best way to support my body

When I became pregnant, it was important to me to figure out the best way to support my body. Throughout this process, I started learning about what was in my environment and how exactly it affected my pregnancy.

In one study I read, the researchers at the Environmental Working Group measured what moms were exposed to during pregnancy. They discovered  that there were over 200 toxic chemicals getting into baby’s blood through the umbilical cord. These chemicals were endocrine disruptors, they were neurotoxins, and they were potentially cancer causing chemicals. This was new information to me, and as I began to research more, I found out they were the things that I was using every single day. These were—the cleaners and beauty products like lotions, shampoos, makeup and soaps. As we apply them to our skin and as we use them in our environment, they’re being absorbed by our body and being passed right on to our babies. 

So as I began to educate myself, I began to educate other moms, and moms to be.

One thing to consider

Types of essential oils

One thing to consider, is the time before conception. Clear out the toxic products from your home and take a look at what you are putting in your body. I love using the Think Dirty App to see how clean (or dirty) products are on a scale of one to ten. I was shocked to see that what I thought were “greener” products in my home, were actually not as safe as I thought.  

It was around this time that I discovered dōTERRA. Along with producing naturally extracted essential oils and oil blends (to diffuse, roll onto skin, and even take orally), they also make health and beauty products that I can trust.  This is because instead of using chemicals, fragrances, and fillers, they let the plants do the work. This is information that our ancestors and many eastern cultures have known for thousands of years. Having grown up in North America, I assumed that what I could buy at my local stores and pharmacies was safe to use. Over time, I learned that many companies don’t consider the health of their customers. It’s not hard to change your ways, it just requires that you read the labels, and pay closer attention to what you’re buying. 

The Top 12 Essential Oils During Pregnancy

Using essential oils during pregnancy

Here’s where naturally sourced essential oils make it really easy – because in my opinion, 99% of what ails you, and what you need to have a clean home and a healthy baby can be solved by a balanced diet (for another article) and replacing commercial products with essential oil-based ones.

I have come up with a list of the “Top 12 Essential Oils” to use – before, during, and after pregnancy

  1. Digestzen: this is the tummy tamer blend of Ginger, Fennel, Peppermint, Caraway, Anise, and Tarragon. It provides a natural way of soothing an upset stomach, indigestion and nausea. You can make a roller and roll on your stomach, or take 1-2 drops in a glass of water.*
  1. PB Assist: this probiotic can support your physical and mental wellness during pregnancy. It is slow release by design so it can deliver the probiotic cultures past the stomach acid and into the GI l tract where it is needed. A healthy intestinal tract is critical for optimal digestive function and immune system support.*
  1. The Bone Nutrient Essential Complex: This supplement provides optimal levels of vitamins and minerals essential for developing and maintaining healthy bone mass and density. Calcium and Magnesium in particular are vital to having a calm body during pregnancy.*
  1. Spa Replenishing Body Butter: this body butter is a must for growing bellies. It’s infused with Frankincense, Douglas fir and Wild Orange and not only does it smell amazing, it’s so much safer than other products on the market.*
  1. DigestTab Chewable tablets: these helped me with occasional heartburn or acid indigestion. They contain a smaller amount of calcium carbonate compared to other antacids and use the essential properties of ginger, coriander, and anise.*
  1. Deep Blue: is so great for supporting aches or tension in the lower back, hips, knees, muscles as you’re carrying around an extra human being.* 
  1. Lavender: to help with sleep… put it in the diffuser or make a roller for you and your new baby. Apply the roller to feet and chest to help relax before bed. dōTERRA makes a blend called “Serenity” that also includes Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, and Vetiver – aka, pure relaxation bliss*
  1. Balance or Adaptiv: both of these calming blends were created to support mood, anxiety and stress.*
  1. On Guard: the immunity blend is a blend of five oils, Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary. It smells like Christmas! We can use it 3 ways – in the diffuser, topically and internally. It is also used during times of seasonal or environmental threats and is supportive of our immune system. *
  1. Breathe: the respiratory blend, which is amazing for opening up the airways. If you struggle with clear breathing while sleeping, this one is great to have in the diffuser at night. It’s a blend of Eucalyptus, Lemon, Tea tree, Peppermint, and  Cardamom, which is supportive for when seasonal or environmental threats are high.*
  1. The Lifelong Vitality Pack: for the months leading up to conceiving, and when growing a baby inside you, you want your body to be supported nutritionally. This three pack of omegas, vitamins & minerals, and cellular support is a great option to take as a pre and post natal multivitamin.*
  1. Frankincense, Lavender and Helichrysum: there are my recommendation for perennial support post baby. These oils are also amazing for skin support of all kinds, including your baby’s bum.*

Essential Oils during pregnancy

For many women, dōTERRA essential oils are an appropriate and safe option during pregnancy and nursing. However just like for anything, always consult with your doctor before using any essential oil products as he or she knows you best. Let them know how you would like to support your body naturally. 

A great source of information on the oils, is Also please be aware that many oils on the market today are fragranced or synthetic. Unfortunately because of this, not all oils are created equal and when reading you may find conflicting information. Do your own research! dōTERRA took it upon themselves to come up with a standard, since there was no governing body regulating essential oils. When you use the dōTERRA CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade ) oils, those worries and concerns go away. You’ll be using something safe and natural that is very supportive to the body. 

An Essential Oil for Labor

The one oil that I always give a head’s up on during pregnancy is Clary Sage. While it can be safe to use during pregnancy, it’s one of those oils that’s really great during labor. So wait until it’s time to go into labor to start using Clary sage. Other than that, think back to the above list of oils that can support you with whatever you’re experiencing.

Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of essential oils? Feel free to contact me with any questions or to choose the best oils for you and your family. As your health and wellness educator, I will spoil you with a welcome gift, share my recipes, and meet you on video chat to help you learn how to use your oils to make rollers and sprays for your family. We will work together to help you on your way to living your best non-toxic life. 

I look forward to hearing from you,

Genvieve Schmidt

Health and Wellness Coach (Email / Follow on IG)

Further Research

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How to Support Gut Health During Pregnancy

From the moment that you find out that you are pregnant, your baby is always the first thing on your mind. How do you create the best environment for your baby to grow and develop? Research has shown that healthy gut flora during pregnancy can have many amazing benefits for both mom and baby. In this article, we will be discussing ways that you can help support gut health during pregnancy.

For mom, a healthy gut microbiome can help to decrease risk of pre-eclampsia, promote healthy weight gain, and even regulate hormone imbalances. For a newborn, healthy gut flora can support a strong immune system, boost metabolism, and even help regulate sugar levels after delivery.

This article was written in partnership with Lifeway Kefir. Kefir is a cultured milk smoothie that is high in Protein, Calcium and Vitamin D. Thanks to their amazing research, they developed an all-natural formula that contains 12 live and active cultures. Their smoothies support immunity and a healthy digestive system.

Benefits of gut health for mom

There are so many amazing ways that a healthy gut microbiome can support moms during pregnancy. For one, a healthy gut also supports a healthy immune system. This is so important for an expecting mom who needs to make sure her body is in tip top shape for her new baby. Since the majority of the immune system is found in the gut, the key to a healthy immune system is to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Another huge benefit is that there is a lot of communication between the gut and the brain. A healthy microbiome has been linked to decreased risk of postpartum depression and anxiety after childbirth. The gut sends a lot of important signals to the brain in response to stress (such as childbirth). Studies have also shown that probiotics help to regulate depression and anxiety postpartum.

In addition to immunity and hormone regulation, studies show that a healthy microbiome also decreases risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy and after. High blood pressure can cause seizures and a whole lot of complications for both mom and baby. In fact, the gut microflora affected mom and baby even after 6 weeks postpartum.

Kefir milk smoothies have a wide range of probiotics to help support immunity, hormone balances, and even decrease risk of blood pressure issues during pregnancy.

Benefits for baby

So we talked about a few ways that a healthy gut can help mom. Now let’s talk about a healthy gut can help a newborn baby. For one, gut microflora transfers from mom to baby, so a healthy gut in mom also means a healthy gut in the baby. In fact, even more flora is transferred to the baby during childbirth to help the baby transition to life outside of mommy.

For one, a healthy gut not only helps moms immune system, but it also helps baby’s immune system. This immunity boost is perfect for someone so tiny and vulnerable. The gut flora is something transferred to baby that mom actually has control over.

This could also be life-saving for premature babies in the NICU. Studies show that a healthy gut flora even helps cut the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis – a severe and often fatal condition – in half! It is so important to support gut health during pregnancy so your baby can have the best chance of having a healthy gut after delivery.

I highly recommend the Kefir formula to help support a healthy gut during pregnancy. Their smoothies are affordable, non-GMO, lactose-free, and have probiotics that support a healthy gut.

What can damage a healthy gut?

We just discussed how important it is to have a healthy gut during pregnancy. Now what can damage a healthy gut? The major reasons for a unhealthy gut microbiome are related to lifestyle and diet. It is so important to maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and restrict heavily processed foods.

How can you improve gut health

There are many ways you can support gut health during pregnancy. For one, try to maintain a healthy weight gain throughout your pregnancy. You can always follow up with your OB during your pregnancy to make sure that you are on track. In addition, you can eat fiber-rich foods and foods that are low fat and high protein. Probiotics also help to keep the gut microbiome as healthy as possible.

You can’t control the color of your baby’s eyes or their personality, but you can control their gut flora. High quality flora will give high-quality nutrients to your baby. As they travel down the birth canal, they are also covered in gut flora. They can continue to transfer your flora as your do skin to skin and breastfeed. What type of microbiome will you create for your new baby?

Kefir Milk Smoothies are high in protein and contain 12 live and active cultures to support your gut health so your baby has the best nutrients and bacteria available.

Healthy recipes for a healthy gut

I know how it is as a parent. You barely have enough time to keep your head on straight, yet alone plan healthy meals for your family. Kefir has a wide variety of healthy recipes that you can use to boost immunity, digestion, and a lot more! Here are some of my favorites:

Rocky Forest Road Smoothie
Granola Breakfast Tarts
Dragon Fruit Coconut Smoothie
Easy Valentines Day Farmer Cheese Parfait
Turkey Brine
Penne with Vegetables


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

Self-Care: The Little Things That Make a Big Difference

As a new mom, you likely aren’t getting much sleep or time to relax. Fitting in any time for self-care seems impossible. But self-care isn’t just about waiting until you can block off time to go out and do something that helps you destress. There are little things that all moms need to consider doing for themselves throughout the day.

This is a guest post written by THIS MOM IS ON FIRE. Nadia and Ivana help busy moms by sharing ideas for fun family and kid’s activities, great food and tips to help mom life go a little smoother.

Eat Proper Healthy Meals

Always start your day with a healthy breakfast, especially if you have been nursing at night. Its extremely important that you keep yourself well nourished.  When you are tired and busy tending to your kids, it’s easy to pour yourself a convenient sugar bowl of cereal or even just skip breakfast all together. 

But that is not going to help fuel you through the day.  A large part of self-care is eating proper meals and snacks.  Over time, a lack of nutrition can result in low energy levels, mood swings and can even negatively affect milk supply.

High protein and healthy breakfast options are even more attainable now!  There are many recipes available that are quick and easy.  We share ‘no-bake’ and ‘one-bowl’ recipes such One-bowl Peanut Butter Breakfast Cookies and Chocolate Energy Bites to help busy moms make a grab-and go breakfast with as little time and mess as possible. 

Another great option is to be able to throw everything in a blender and mix it up, such as muffin and pancake batters. For lunch and dinner, look for recipes that are 30 minute meals, sheet pan ideas and one-pot options.  Keep these recipes in your arsenal as you will need to go to them regularly to help give you the fuel you need to get through your busy day.

Listen While You Work

The list of chores to tackle always feels like it is never ending.  When the kids are occupied or napping, it’s the only chance we really get to tackle the cooking and cleaning.  So how do you fit in time for any self-care?  Remember, self-care is not just about pampering the body, but relaxing the mind as well.

Since finding time to curl up on the couch with a good book seems impossible, listening to a good audio book or podcast is a good alternative and a great way to unwind.  I often find myself so immersed in a storyline that it becomes a nice little escape from the regular stresses in life.

There are many podcasts that are available for free online.  From true crime stories to comedies, there are tons of podcasts out there to suit your mood.

You can also look for podcasts that are more relatable and address your current situation in life, health or feelings.  Podcasts are not just for providing entertainment.  Discussing issues that affect you as well can help provide some information and support.

Of course, there’s always the option to just listen to music. Many studies have concluded that music helps with improving your mood and reducing stress.  Create a few playlists and clean away.  Its guaranteed to help cleaning go a little faster and maybe feel less annoying than it usually does!

Fit in Small Beauty Routines

When it feels like you haven’t slept in days, it’s hard to think about even putting makeup on. Especially when you can barely find time to wash your face.  But the little things like applying a nice colorful lip gloss or whipping up and applying a natural DIY face mask while working can really help brighten your look as well as your mood!

Keep Connecting with Others

Yes, you will probably be lucky to fit in an uninterrupted three minute conversation.  But every mom can use a small tribe.  Whether its your siblings, a tight-knit group of friends or a mom group on Facebook; anywhere you can find like-minded, positive friends to help lift each other and laugh through life’s ups and downs, are the best tribe to have.

Find a Small Creative Outlet

A creative outlet is doing an activity that helps explore your creative side as a means to channel your energy and also acts as a distraction to help you reduce stress.

This activity doesn’t need to be elaborate or something that you especially excel at.  It needs to be something that you enjoy doing and feels calming while doing it.  It can be as simple as building with Lego, filling a journal with your thoughts, sketching, knitting, painting – there are so many activities to explore.  Whatever form of expression you chose, it should be an activity that you have fun doing and doesn’t feel like work.

Self-care doesn’t need to be extravagant.  It’s the little things done regularly that are more likely to help keep moms healthier – body, mind and soul.

This was a guest post written by THIS MOM IS ON FIRE. Nadia and Ivana help busy moms by sharing ideas for fun family and kid’s activities, great food and tips to help mom life go a little smoother.


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

A Natural Remedy to Help with Stress and Anxiety

As a mom, I know that sometimes stress really can take a toll on us. However, there are very few natural remedies available. Everyone has the right to be healthy and happy without compromising their wellness goals. I had the opportunity to partner with ROOTED IN to bring you information about a natural remedy to help with stress and anxiety. They have a variety of herbal-infused treatments for everything from insomnia to back pain.

Are you interested in learning more about what they have to offer? Use coupon code “RACHEL” for 20% off their entire store!

Check out ROOTED IN

Boost Mood and Crush Stress with Magnesium 

The miracle mineral that eases stress, increases energy and makes you feel incredible

While it’s impossible to escape the stress, drama and absolute chaos happening all around us right now, there are things you can do to manage your life so stress doesn’t totally consume you.  So, if you find yourself irritable, tense or downright depressed (and really, who isn’t this year?) then magnesium might just be what you’re missing.  It is a great natural remedy to help with stress

Research shows that low magnesium leads to anxiety and depression symptoms.  Getting enough of this key mineral helps promote sleep and brings a sense of calm.  It’s also helps support a healthy brain, positive mood, increased energy and balanced hormones.

information about magnesium

The Magic Mineral you’ve probably never heard of…

One of the easiest, safest and most effective ways to beat stress is to get enough magnesium in your body. Despite this, 68% of Americans are severely deficient in this powerful mineral according to the National Institute of Health. What gives?

According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, best selling author of “The Magnesium Miracle”, magnesium deficiency is the leading cause of doctor’s visits. Symptoms include: 

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Restless Legs
  • Muscle Cramping/Pain
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression

If you’re suffering from these symptoms, it’s very likely you’re lacking magnesium.

Kids need magnesium too!

Magnesium is also important for calm moods and relaxation in children.  Low magnesium can increase agitation, anxiety, irritability and aggression in children.  Studies have tied low magnesium levels in children to behavior problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  If you see that your child is especially grumpy or if they are complaining about cramping muscles and headaches, they may just need a bit more magnesium in their life.

Quit draining your magnesium levels

While getting enough magnesium in your diet is incredibly important, it’s also important to avoid situations that drain your magnesium levels. Guess what the #1 way to deplete your magnesium levels is? STRESS!!

Second to that is alcohol, caffeine and sugary foods…..And those are likely the foods you reach for when you’re stressed. This vicious cycle totally drains your magnesium levels which causes you to feel stress and anxiety. Feeling stress and anxiety causes your magnesium levels to drop. See where I’m going with this? 

It’s a vicious cycle but thankfully, it’s an easy cycle to break.

Eat magnesium rich foods

Magnesium is one of seven essential macrominerals that you need to consume every single day in large amounts (100 milligrams or more).  It’s important to eat a diet rich in magnesium. These foods include:

  • Green leafy vegetables – 150 mg | 1 cup
  • Pumpkin Seeds – 92 mg | 1/8 cup
  • Almonds – 80 mg | 1 cup
  • Black Beans 60 mg | 1/2 cup
  • Avocados 58 mg | 1 medium
  • Figs – 50 mg | 1/2 cup
  • Dark Chocolate 95 mg | 1 square
  • Bananas – 32 mg | 1 medium

Make sure to eat a balanced diet and up your intake of the foods listed above to keep your magnesium levels up and your body satisfied.

Take a magnesium supplement

Magnesium supplements come in many forms including magnesium malate, citrate, glycinate and more.  Each one has its own pros and cons, so you’ll have to do a little homework before you land on the right one for your body.  

With all magnesium supplements, you’ll need to go low and slow in order to avoid stomach upset and diarrhea.  Start with a small amount and break it up throughout the day.  Then gradually increase every couple of days until you’re at a full dose.

The magical magnesium trick

The best absorbed form of magnesium doesn’t get eaten – it gets absorbed through your skin!  The easiest, safest and fastest way to get more magnesium into your body is to get it topically.  It can typically be found as an oil, spray, lotion or cream.  It bypasses the digestive system and absorbs directly to your cells; making it incredibly bioavailable and fast-acting. Using a topical form of magnesium also makes it easy for the elderly, children and people with compromised digestion (leaky gut) to get magnesium into the body.  There’s no messy tinctures or hard-to-swallow pills involved and no pesky side-effects like upset stomach or diarrhea.

In a recent study, researchers found that people who used topical magnesium were able to significantly raise their levels within 12 weeks versus 9-12 months with oral supplementation.  When choosing a topical magnesium therapy, make sure it’s made with natural ingredients and has a concentrated amount of magnesium in it.   

Learning more about a natural remedy to help with stress

I had the opportunity to partner with ROOTED IN to bring you information about a natural remedy to help with stress and anxiety. They have a variety of herbal-infused remedies for everything from insomnia to back pain.

Are you interested in learning more about what they have to offer? Use coupon code “RACHEL” for 20% off their entire store!

Check out ROOTED IN


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

Infant Development: an Interview with a Pediatric Occupational Therapist

As a parent, your child’s health is always a top priority in your life. How do you know if your baby is developing at a normal rate? How do you encourage optimal development in your premature baby? All of these questions about infant development can be answered by a skilled occupational therapist.

Jennifer Perigord, OT is an occupational therapist who specializes in infant development. She has over 17 years of pediatric experience and specializes in training premature and medically fragile infants in Neonatal Intensive Care. In this article, she will discuss her personal experience with developmental delays and how early intervention helped to give her child a chance at a normal life.

You may schedule a private infant evaluation with her by emailing

Meet Parker!

After 5 weeks on bed rest, my water broke while at home. Thankfully, I lived down the street from the hospital because I gave birth to him in less than 3 hours! Sadly, he required vacuum extraction because his heart rate kept decelerating and I just couldn’t wrap my head around how to effectively push.

He was born at 35 weeks and 6days via natural birth weighing 5lb 4oz. Although he had a traumatic birth, he was born healthy, without any complications, and did not require a NICU stay.

I noticed that Parker was lethargic his first month, and he eventually was diagnosed with with “failure to thrive”. However, this determined momma was adamant to give exclusive breast milk to her first born. So I nursed, pumped, and then bottle fed averaging 16 feedings a day with virtually no sleep. But it worked! He gained weight and finally started to be on growth curve by 6 months.

My other concerns

However, Parker’s weight gain was not my biggest concern. As a pediatric occupational therapist, I had concerns very early on (around 2 months) that were not recognized by his pediatrician. Parker would startle easily, his hands and feet almost always were sweaty, he clenched his fists with the thumbs inside palms, looked only to right side, he never brought his left hand to his mouth, and head was misshapen.

I was very fortunate that I had taken a primary reflex class (Postural and Dynamic Reflex Integration with MNRI program) before I had Parker. It helped me recognize several primary reflexes that were severely under-developed.

Parker initiated cranial-sacral therapy at 4 months old and immediately started making changes. He started bringing his left hand to his mouth, his head shape started to improve, and he smiled more. However, his motor milestones and social skills were still lagging. At 9 months old he was not crawling, he only was rolling to one side, he was not able to stand by pulling, and he had very weak head control. I also noticed that he was fearful of pretty much everything and barely laughed.

Early intervention

Wanting the very best for Parker, I took him to Dr. Masgutova (the creator of MNRI program). There he received a private primary reflex integration assessment and we found out that he had a lot of reflexes that were dysfunctional. We started an intense home program which involved developing 26 primary reflexes. She also indicated delays in speech and expressed concern with social development.

I was fortunate because I had been to a couple introduction MNRI classes, so I was able to do most of the priority exercises myself. Parker learned to crawl within 1 week and the rest of those missed milestones came soon after, with him learning to walk by 13 months old.

Parker continued physical therapy with a focus on primary reflex integration due to continued difficulties with balance, weak core strength, and overall delayed gross motor skills until he was about 4 years old. During this time, Parker also had difficulties going to new places, he avoided getting messy, and was also very shy.

Where are we now

Let’s fast forward to today. Parker is 7 years old and in a typical 2nd grade class. He makes friends wherever he goes, loves to play outside (especially in the dirt), and is racing BMX competitively.

I 100% contribute Parker’s success to the early intervention he received starting in infancy with consistent primary reflex integration therapy.  I often think what Parker would have been like if I did not recognize these early signs and he didn’t receive therapy.  It is my belief he would have had lifelong developmental delays and possibly be on the autism spectrum.  

Parker is a success story and I share this story because I want other families to have success stories too! My recommendation is to trust your gut, look for these early red flags I discussed, and seek early intervention before delays are identified.

Continue to follow Jennifer

I hope this article helped to open your eyes about the importance of infant development. Follow Jennifer on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for tips about newborns and to stay connected to her story.

You may also schedule a private infant evaluation with her by emailing


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

Fast Recipes for Busy Moms

I know that it can be difficult at times to prepare quick and healthy meals for your family. We all have so many responsibilities, and before you know it the day is over! I am going to be honest, I am not exactly an expert chef. However, I know that I need to drastically improve this area of my life. I am so excited to have the opportunity to have Francesca from MOM COOKS ITALIAN to share with us some of her cooking secrets! In this article, Francesca will share her favorite fast recipes for busy moms.

Fast Recipes

I am originally from Italy and was born into a family who really valued good food. I now have two boys and we share a love a cooking. However, many times I do not have an hour to prepare a meal because the day is always so full.

“If you eat good you feel good”….. at least that is what the doctors say! I know that the vitamins and minerals in a healthy diet are so important. That is why I decided to share with you all this list of some of my favorite fast recipes for busy moms.

A Busy Mom

When I was pregnant and breastfeeding I really paid attention to what I was eating. I knew that my diet would in turn affect my children. However, when my first baby was born I noticed that I was getting busier and busier every day and was finding it hard to spend time cooking a healthy meal.

I started to think of ways to cook good food fast, because I knew that a healthy diet will keep my kids strong. That is when I decided to start my blog MOM COOKS ITALIAN to share my recipes and experiences in the kitchen.

I even have a section of FAST RECIPES that help busy moms like me. All of the recipes in the section only require 30 minutes or less and are very simple yet delicious.


I always get asked the question, “why do Italians eat so much pasta?” Pasta meals are central to the Mediterranean Diet not only because they are tasty, inexpensive, and easy to prepare, but also because it is easy to combine with other healthy foods. Of course, you cannot eat Pasta every day, but here are a few of my favorite pasta recipes:

Spaghetti Carbonara

This Spaghetti Carbonara is a easy Pasta dish to make, with few ingredients and you have a meal with carbo, protein and veggies.

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Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe

Spaghetti cacio e pepe recipe is a famous pasta dish in the modern Roman cuisine. It means “cheese and pepper” in the Italian dialect.


Vegetarian-based meals are always good to add to your fast recipes for busy moms. Eating vegetables provides amazing health benefits. Also, vegetables reduce your risk of chronic health diseases and illnesses. Here are some of my favorite vegetable dishes:

Spinach Eggs and Onion Cake

Spinach eggs and onions cake is a easy and simple recipe. It is perfect combination of carbo, protein and veggies.

Spinach eggs and onion cake

Couscous with vegetables and chickpeas

This recipe has very few ingredients, but it absolutely delicious. Combine sweet pepper, zucchini, onions and couscous.


Meat is a great source of protein, and chicken is one of the most popular. Chicken breast is very lean and is ideal for people who want to lose weight and maintain muscle mass. Here are some of my favorite meat recipes:

Straccetti Chicken

” Straccetti” is a Italian word to indicate a style of cooking meat. It characterized of small pieces of meat cut in long pieces

Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata is sliced and dredged in flour, then sautéed in a sauce containing lemon juice, butter and capers.

Chicken Piccata recipe

Thank you Rachel for giving me the opportunity to talk to all of you. I am happy to answer any of your questions! Stay connected via our WEBSITE or FACEBOOK PAGE.


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! – Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.

How to Breastfeed in Public: 7 Tips for Nursing Moms

Like most women, the thought of breastfeeding in public might make you uncomfortable and self-conscious. Many women all around the world feel anxious in relation to the opinions of others, and then feel intimated as they nurse their new baby. In this article, we will discuss how to breastfeed in public modestly and comfortably.

I had the absolute pleasure to work with UNDERCOVER MAMA on this article. They design comfortable, trendy, and modest nursing wear for moms. Undercover mama believes that all women should have the freedom to nurse anywhere quickly and easily without having to expose themselves more than necessary. They even patented an innovative “one-handed” design to give you even more control!

**Special Offer! Receive 15% off at Undercover Mama with discount code “MOMMY15”

Can you breastfeed in public?

Yes, you are allowed to breastfeed in public in most states and countries. It is a fundamental human right, but that does not mean that it does not have it’s challenges. Try to be familiar with the culture and laws in your area.

Breastfeeding can be done modestly without exposing too much skin with practice. Of course, every mother has different goals for her breastfeeding experience. The key to breastfeeding success is preparation, dedication, and patience.

Be informed

Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful thing, but it is still important for us to be informed. Know the local laws in your area about breastfeeding. If you are planning a trip oversees, try to research the culture of the area to see what to expect. You can even plan your breastfeeding sessions ahead of time by researching the area to find possible locations to feed your baby.

Sometimes it can be overwhelming when you are traveling with a child. Be informed of local places where you might feel comfortable breastfeeding. I always like a nice calm environment. If I am outside, I try to find some shade so we are all more relaxed for the session.

Practice at home

The best way to learn is by practicing. Try to have a few sessions at home where you pretend like you are in public. This will get you used to the mechanics of breastfeeding outside and remaining comfortable.

One thing that I noticed is that my kids loved to look around, so I needed a backup when they pulled that breastfeeding cover off to see the world around them. I always had a towel or cloth nearby (also to catch extra milk that dropped) and used that as a back up to quickly cover myself until I got the cover situated again.

Another backup is using a good nursing shirt or dress that allows for easy access yet remains modest. I still used a nursing shirt or dress under the cover as a second layer of coverage. I love the nursing clothes by UNDERCOVER MAMA because they have a unique one-handed design that is absolutely essential for breastfeeding mamas. Check out some of their adorable nursing wear below:

You can use the code “MOMMY15” for 15% off your order.

Pack your diaper bag

Another way to help prepare you to breastfeed in public is by packing your diaper bag appropriately. Preparation makes a huge difference. My diaper bag is usually pretty simple.

I usually start off with a change of clothes for the baby and some diapers and wipes. I also try to put an extra t-shirt in there for me as well if I am breastfeeding. This really helps if you get caught in a "leakage situation". I try to put in a towel and a nursing cover as well. Those help me to cover myself as I nurse my baby.

Another must-have in your diaper bag that a lot of people do not think about is a hand-pump! Think about this, you need to feed your baby, but they just are not having it. They are throwing the cover off, maybe they are rowdy and overtired. Plus it might be hot outside.

Many times I actually found it much easier to use my hand pump under the cover and then give my baby the expressed milk in public. That might not work for everyone, but that was a technique that I used a lot. It also gave me a lot more control over when and where I could feed my baby.

UNDERCOVER MAMA knows how hand-in-hand pumping and nursing can be, and actually have an amazing package! They have a "pump and tank" bundle that includes a hand pump and nursing tank for only $25!

You can also use the code "MOMMY15" for 15% off your order. This is a lifesaver package.

Choose the right place

Choosing the right place to breastfeed in public can be very challenging. The first thing I look at is the distraction level. Is this a place where my baby can wind down and focus? If there is a lot of chatter and movement then probably not. In fact, if there is too much activity going on, he probably would boycott the session altogether or spend the whole time trying to pull off my cover.

The next characteristic of a good nursing spot is that it is cool (or at least not 5 million degrees). It can get really hot with your baby on top of you, and too much sweat gets mama and baby a little aggravated. Not to mention it also makes it hard to latch on if your breasts are too sweaty.

Besides the activity level and the temperature, another thing you should look for is your comfort level. A breastfeeding session can take some time, and if you are sitting on a bunch of rocks the whole time, it might make things a little difficult. Find a place where you feel comfortable and it will make a huge difference.

When you get nervous...

So you practiced at home, packed your bag with all your baby essentials and nursing gear, and picked the perfect place to breastfeed. Now you sit down to nurse your child, and even as you are covered, people still give you funny looks. Now what do you do?

That is bound to happen. Whether you are covered or not, people naturally will wonder what you are doing. Those looks do not necessarily mean that they are opposed to what you are doing. It is just simply different, and people tend to let curiosity drive them.

When someone walks by and gives me a funny stare, I just smile and be polite. A smile is a powerful way to break barriers. When you feel awkward or uncomfortable, just look at your baby. That will help you feel a lot more at ease.

moms and their babies. breastfeeding in public

Dress for the occasion

If you are a breastfeeding mom, you know that having comfortable nursing wear is essential. You need clothes that have easy access and are trendy as well. That is why I love UNDERCOVER MAMA. They have innovative designs for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and beyond. They also have designs for every body type and are very affordable.

Have freedom to breastfeed anywhere with their unique design. I know that you will love their products! You can also use the code "MOMMY15" for 15% off your order.


Congratulations on your new baby! It is such a blessing, and I am so happy that you are educating yourself on what to expect. Preparation brings a level of confidence that is so important to new parents. Remember that you can always check out our BABY ACADEMY for all of our prenatal resources for new parents. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!

Free Prenatal Class

Enjoy a free prenatal class from the comfort of your own home! This is a course that I wrote based on a decade of professional and personal experiences regarding everything from childbirth to newborn care. This is a self-paced course that you can watch anytime and anywhere you want! You can sign up HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! - Rachel

Exciting News!!

Did you know that many insurance plans include FREE prenatal and postnatal consultations? See if you qualify by filling out this form: INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM. Consultations can be virtual, in home, or in office with no out of pocket costs.